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rant abt my grandmother & cousinnnn

My grandmother (lets call her rita to make it shorter) is much to old fashioned she always calls me and my cousin "girls" im not a fucking girl. she also talks often abt my future husband and kids i dont plan on having kids and im gonna have a wife. when i told rita i kissed a girl she said that was sick (in a bad way). rita's behavior is rubbing off on my cousin (she is 7) yesterday she asked me if id rather have a "boy haircut" or be bald she would rather be bald also haircuts dont have genders. there is more but im not bothered this is like my first proper post as well you probably new that thođŸ©”âœš

have a slayful day sparkle frost princess🧁


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i dont want too😓

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im dead

my father saw my pronouns badge on my blazer boutta dieđŸ˜„ have a slayful day unlike me sparkle frost princessđŸ©·đŸ§đŸ©”âœšđŸŠ„đŸ›đŸȘ·

kinda hate my father rn

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